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Keeper of the FAQ's Virtual Bar & Grill
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Purpose This is Version 3.92 of the FAQ for the newsgroup It will attempt to lay a foundation for the understanding of Harleys, their riders and their Internet watering hole, the R.M.H Virtual Bar & Grill. Many of the sections are copies of posts made by the members of r.m.h. This wealth of hands-on experience is not available via other media. On Aug 17, 1992 as a USENET group was ratified by a vote of 362 yea, 47 nay. Today, RMH is, like most of usenet, been abandoned for more direct relationship social media i.e. Facebook, forums etc... Most of the spammers and trolls have left for greener pastures, read: inhabited habitats. Just because people on r.m.h have a wealth of knowledge and hands on experience, don't expect them to do your homework for you. Don't expect questions on maintenance and repairs to be answered if you haven't bought the service manual for your bike. If you can't find it in the manual, only then should you post your question to r.m.h. This FAQ spiritually belongs to the regulars at the VB&G. I will not allow it to be reprinted or otherwise distributed without the general consensus of the group, nor will I do so. It belongs to them. For purposes of control I retain all legal rights to this document. The current 'Keeper of the FAQ's' is Schmoe (Asshole #128). E-mails regarding content, errata or suggestions should be directed to In the interest of readability, I have decided to use the masculine pronoun his instead of the politically correct his or hers This should not be interpreted to mean that Harleys are solely a male endeavor. Some of our better mechanics/riders/attitude-adjusters are of the female persuasion. Anyway, what the hell do you expect in a Harley newsgroup? Wheels for Eddie r.m.h regulars often raise funds for one of our own, Eddie Kieger III, who was involved in a tragic accident, suffering a traumatic brain injury as a result. For example, Eddie's mom needed a new 'wheelchair lift-enabled van' to transport Eddie. With unbelievably generous donations and auction sale funds, an excellent van was bought and gets Eddie around safely as needed. The constant medical and living costs for Eddie are astronomical. To help defray them, many rmh regulars place items, some motorcycle related, some not, for auction on Eddie's website. I've seen $2 patches go for well into the hundreds of dollars with often humorous bidding wars announced daily on the newsgroup. That says something of the quality of people you'll find on r.m.h. Every August, a birthday party is held for Eddie in Geneva-on-the-Lake, OH. This is an open celebration where the motto 'just show up' is meant truly. For more run info: Learn more about Eddie Kieger III This is the only page which has the full index at the left. The rest of the FAQ is split into sections to make browsing each heading easier without the need to scroll pages up and down all the time. This will also accommodate a planned expansion of the Technical section to include TC-88/96 mods, as well as other new additions. Subsections which open into expanded menus are highlighted in red. Subsections are not expanded on the full index at left. Clicking on each heading opens up the contents of that heading only.
A link for free software to fix Outlook Express top posting problems has been added to the Brief netiquette guide and Why you should quote pages. Neat Stuff page added. This has useful stuff detachable saddlebag brackets, handlebar clocks, Throttle Rockers and sqeegees you put on your thumb to wipe your goggles in rain. Wind Chill calculator link added to Cold Weather Riding page.