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Glossary 1% -- Outlaw Biker AFAIK -- As far as I know Bagger -- Touring model with trunk and/or hard sidebags Bro -- Bend Right Over. Implication is to be wary of some of the "Bros" that you might meet. bs# -- brotherhood of the slug, met another slug, haven't ridden with them. BS# --brotherhood of the slug, ridden with another slug, posted a slimed story. BT -- Big Twin - Not a Sportster Cage -- Car or Truck - not a motorcycle CS -- Chicken Shit DM# -- Disaster Magnet DOF -- They're decrepit and old, you can guess the rest Dresser -- see bagger Emoticon -- By turning your head sideways and a bit of imagination these are used to represent emotion with a picture of a face:
These are used to convey emotion, as written communications is easily
misunderstood. Missing are the nuances of face to face spoken...What?
Oh yeah, OK. On to something Harley. Sorry Feculator -- Derived from the words fecal or feces, meaning shit; and speculator, meaning one who buys and sells hoping to gain profitably from market fluctuations. An extremely derogatory term referring to those insipid individuals whose only motivation for buying a motorcycle - specifically a Harley Davidson motorcycle - is for the purpose of reselling at a ridiculously inflated price. A feculator represents capitalism in its most perverse form. Feculation keeps the market artficially overinflated & takes unfair advantage of those who want to buy motorcycles for their intended purpose - TO BE RIDDEN - and want them so badly they will bend over & sadly succumb to a financial ass-reaming. feculate,v. see also, profiteering scumbag. -- David Strang FWIW -- For what it's worth FYYFF -- Fuck you you fucking fuck HAROM -- Have a round on me HD -- Hundred Dollars or High Dollar referring to the high price of Harley Davidson parts. IIRC -- If I remember correctly IMHO -- In my humble opinion IOW -- In other words IRL -- In Real Life Netscum -- Bikers who met each other on the Internet and have met in real life NRN -- No Reply Necessary - used to stop endless back and forth emails OTOH -- On the other hand PITA -- Pain in the ass PNWNS -- Pacific Northwest Netscum POS -- Piece of shit RUB -- Rich Wannabee - Rich Urban Biker - Generally thought to be someone buying a Harley on credit to counter a poor self-image. SE -- Screaming Eagle - HD's line of performance parts. SENS -- South East Net Scum. The definition of "South East" however is very liberal and includes a big chunk of the Western Hemisphere and Europe. <sfsf> -- Stupid fucking "smiley face" Sporty -- Sportster (XL) Squid -- Any slower rider in the way and driving over his head. TIA -- Thanks in advance Twinkie -- Nickname for the TCxx engines and the bikes they're mounted in. UJM -- Universal Japanese Motorcycle WOT -- Wide Open Throttle -- - The newsgroup "over there" that spends more time flaming each other than talking about their un-American motorcycles. Most are children except a couple of Brits who seem to thrive on tormenting the others. Also called Reeky. WTF -- What the Fuck YFOS -- You're full of shit YMMV -- Your Mileage May Vary. Do not expect exact results |